Welcome! We have been preparing for your return
We are pleased to inform you we are indeed open for your healthcare needs. We have increased safety guidelines as recommended by our governing boards. We love that many of you are eager to resume your care.
PLEASE take time to read this post. We need you to be aware of the new measures that are in place and to understand procedures that you are required to follow. Recommendations are evolving. Some measures may be temporary, some may be permanent. Follow up emails will keep you up to date. 'Working Together For Your Health' remains our number one priority.
Preparing for your Appointment
Dental Care * Family Medicine * Medical Aesthetics * Laser & Aesthetics Clinic * Massage Therapy * Psychotherapy * Chiropractic * Physio * Osteopath
Note: Most Medical appointments with Dr Maria Tetelbaum & Dr Joel Hommel are still going to be done 'VIRTUALLY'. Only those that have been advised to attend the office should do so. We do require your current email address in order to proceed with a virtual appointment. Please be sure the medical team has your current email address.
Booking your Appointment
Urgent and Immediate concern appointments are currently being booked. Our services and our available hours are not 100% back to normal as we slowly integrate each team member into practice. Your reserved time is currently longer than usual in order to assist with physical distancing and room preparation between clients/patients.
More than ever, we need adequate notice if you are unable to attend your appointment. In addition, please arrive at your actual reserved time. Not early nor late. If you do arrive to Synergy Centre early, we request you remain outside until your set time. If you are going to be delayed - please call to ensure it is still workable with those who are caring for you and for those clients arriving around your set time.

Prescreening & Arrival Screening
Within 24 hours of your appointment one of our administrators will be reaching out to conduct a COVID Prescreening. This is a series of questions determining vulnerability. On your arrival we will ask you the same questions and measure your temperature with a touch-less thermometer.
We do ask you listen to these questions carefully and answer truthfully. We are excited to see you and absolutely look forward to discussing with you everything you have been up to for 3 months; after we have completed this task. It may seem very formal but it is extremely important.
On Your Arrival
- Enter the clinic at your appointment time.
- Please limit the personal items you bring into the clinic.
- Wear a mask properly at all times when in the clinic. Depending on the procedure or care you are receiving, your healthcare provider will advise if your mask can come off during your treatment. Consider bringing a second, unused mask for after your care has been completed.
- Hand Sanitize on arrival, during as needed & departure from the clinic.
- Proceed directly to the allocated administration desk to do complete your arrival screening & temperature.
Physical distancing is imperative. Our waiting areas have been reduced to minimal, spaced seating. 16 & older? Please come alone to your appointment. Family, Friends will need to wait outside of the clinic. 15 and under can come with one parent/guardian, however they too will need to be pre screened, arrival screened and follow the aforementioned 'On Your Arrival'. If your child is over 16 or have an Elderly Parent and you wish to attend their appointment, please advise us on booking.

Purchases or Pickups
We continue to offer:
- Our Pharmacy is open daily and they are available after hours for patients that are on record with them. Please contact them for an easy, hassle free transfer of your current medications if desired.
- Vivier Pharma - Medical Grade Skincare - If you are replenishing your recommended products you can order online, call ahead, or send us an email. Our current promotion unfortunately is not available online. We continue to offer free home delivery, curb side pickup & now in-office pick up. If you need recommendations or suggestions regarding your skin care we can discuss with you personally.
- Vivier Pharma - Medical Grade Skincare - If you are replenishing your recommended products you can order online, call ahead, or send us an email. Our current promotion unfortunately is not available online. We continue to offer free home delivery, curb side pickup & now in-office pick up. If you need recommendations or suggestions regarding your skin care we can discuss with you personally.
- Compression Socks - yes we still offer compression care. Sigvaris Compression Products offer a huge selection. Most benefit packages cover this service. Consultations and measurements are required before ordering. If you have measurements on file, Mackenzie or Terryanne can repeat orders over the phone.
- Vitamins & Probiotics are available. Only the best options are available to you. Please email or call ahead for Brenda to prepare and advise you when ready. If you need a consultation with Dr Fluter to discuss what is in your best interest, Brenda will assist you in booking.
If you need to pick up paperwork, purchases, prescriptions etc., please remember to wear a mask and hand sanitize on arrival.

What have we been doing?
We have been very busy preparing for your return. Physical Distancing stickers are on the floor. Glass / Plexi barriers have be installed at all administration desks. POS/debit machines have been upgraded - very different that what you are use to. Waiting areas have limited /spaced seating. Magazines, Books & Brochures have been removed from the shelves - we will give out only on your request.
Surgical Air Purifiers have been ordered that will assist purifying the air every 5 minutes. Rooms have be decluttered in order to make the sanitization between patients more easy. Dental exam rooms have been enclosed and doors ordered. Our telephone system switched over to enable easier ways to be in contact and maintain physical distancing. We have increased our Clean Team's hours in order to sanitize throughout the day more frequently. Lets not even discuss how much laundry they now have to do. A big thanks to Steve & Nick!
Our providers and team will be wearing PPE - specific Uniforms per discipline, Masks at all times and Scrub Caps. Medical, Dental, Medical Aesthetics, Laser Clinic will be wearing isolation gowns. Face shields will also be worn when deemed required. Our team also completes the Covid Screening on arrival & have our temperature taken 2 x daily.

A Note From The Director:
It is truly remarkable how our Synergy Team pulled together to make it happen during this unprecedented time in history. Every moment it seemed new information was being provided to us on how to care for our clients, our own person and our families. We quickly switched to a virtual reality in caring for patients. We were able to provide emergency care for those in need. The clinic got torn apart and reset around us. Our holidays were cancelled, our stress got higher and our uniforms got hotter. Team members at home reached out and assisted whenever they could. Team members that remained working did so twice as hard, under unusual circumstances and set the stage for everyones safe return. I am grateful for every one of their sacrifices. I am blessed to work with the best colleagues/ family - hands down.
To our patients, clients - thank you for checking in via a smile at the door, an email or even a call. We received coffee, chocolate, flowers and a lot of kind words and warm wishes. We do miss you! I recall seeing a patient at Remark. You lowered your mask to give me a big smile. My heart melted and I was reminded why I went into healthcare. To all of you - thank you!
Doctors, hats off to your tenacity and profound knowledge in seeing your patients and your team through this.
Frontline workers - A massive WOW! You are truly superhuman. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
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Synergy Dental offers the ability to request your dentist appointments online. Schedule an appointment now!
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