How do I know if our child requires Orthodontics, Braces or Invisalign?
Complimentary Program Available
Did you know that age 6-7 years old is the recommended age to assess your child's oral health / smile growth and development.
This is the general age when your child's baby teeth are being replaced by their adult teeth.
Early orthodontic treatment aka early intervention can begin if deemed recommended in order to assist a positive growth & development for your little one's smile.
We offer a complimentary program to all children to monitor and evaluate this stage of growth and development of their teeth and jaws. Guiding you and them if orthodontics are suggested, all the while establishing a positive relationship with our team that will care for them. To learn more about this program, optimal treatment and options for your child, contact us at [email protected] or (519) 266-3646.
Things We Will Assess:
- Crowding
- Underbites
- Cross bites
- Open Bites
- Spacing Issues
- Contributing Habits
- Gum Health
- Jaw Development
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